Thursday 26 June 2008




I did face some constraints when making my advertisement for the awards evening. I used and image from a certain website which had copyright at the bottom and therefore I was not able to include this on my poster. The image was found on Google image search; although the picture would have been appropriate for the poster it was not possible to include it for legal reasons.


I was working with the live team and we were talking about the template we were going to use for the screen. We had to choose something that would go well with the logo and look professional. In the end we decided to use black and gold as the theme, however there were many different ideas which would have been inappropriate for the evening.

Financial: Within the class, we spoke about what we were going to include in the awards night. We suggested using a red carpet however for financial reasons this would have been too expensive and would have easily exceeded the college budget of £100. However, in the end we were fortunate enough to be able to get a good red carpet to use for the event via a student which cost £45.



I had to use leadership skills in one aspect of the post production for the awards evening. When working with the live team I had to create a video montage of the nominations for the BTEC first years and the BTEC National second year’s news reports and music videos. I created most of the video itself and I also decided personally what 15 second clips I was going to choose.

Communications/Meeting requirements:

Towards the end of the pre-production, I was asked to help make the final tickets and try to make them double sided. I had to put across my ideas with another student as this was a difficult task. In the end we decided to photo copy the tickets and try to make it so they fit and our double sided. Although the picture and colour quality of this was not as good as we intended it still looked professional.

I also had various conversations with students about there ideas and what we could include, people suggested many different things such as balloons, the red carpet, food and drinks, after parties etc.

Achieving agreed outcomes/working to timescales:

In general I met the timescale required for the pre-production work. However I did have some problems when creating my poster design. I had a set deadline to post my poster on the blog. I had difficulties because I was trying to create something that would appeal to our target audience and would make people want to come to the event.

There would be a number of things that I would do differently if the awards evening happened again. Although the final video montage worked really well, I would try to make it more advanced for the awards evening, this would include animations and would look more professional. Furthermore, I would have changed my poster design slightly because I now have a feel of what the award ceremony is like and would know how to design the poster for the target audience.

The adverts and awards evening would be acceptable in a professional work place because it is a great way to appreciate and recognise people’s achievements and the work that they have created. From the awards evening we are able to put everybody’s hard work into one night and people who are not part of the college were able to see this.

Furthermore the students from other years who may have not seen all the work which was put together throughout the year have the chance to do so on this night. I believe it would be a good idea for a company to recognise there achievements for their employees the way that the college has.

The radio advert would also be a good idea because it can advertise the event to people may be interested in seeing work that is not necessarily main stream. (I.e. work that has been done using a limited amount of materials).

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